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Kollel Alumni

Many of the Kollel Yungeleit have moved on to Harbotzas HaTorah Positions in South Florida and beyond.

Rabbi Avrohom Danziger

Rabbi and Mrs. Danziger were part of the founding group of yungeleit. Rabbi Danziger is currently the Ninth grade Rebbi in Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes of Miami and serves as the Gabbai for the Kollel's minyan on Shabbos.

Rabbi Nechemia Feigenbaum

Rabbi and Mrs. Nechemia Feigenbaum joined the Kollel from E"Y as founding members. Rabbi Feigenbaum is currently the Seventh Grade rebbe in Yeshiva Yesodei HaTorah in Toronto.

Rabbi Naftali Lefkowitz

Rabbi and Mrs. Lefkowitz were part of founding group of Yungeleit. After becoming the 4th grade in Yeshiva Elementary School of Miami, he was recruited to be the 6th grade rebbi in Yeshiva of Spring Valley in Monsey, NY.

Rabbi Menachem Neustadt

Rabbi and Mrs. Menachem Neustadt were part of the founding group of Yungeilet. Rabbi Neustadt is currently the Kashrus adminstrator for the Vaad HaRabbonim of Detroit.

Rabbi Shraga Thav

Rabbi and Mrs. Shraga Thav joined the Kollel as founding members. Rabbi Thav is currently the Fourth Grade Rebbi in Yeshiva Elementary School in Miami. Additionaly, Rabbi Thav is the author of the popular "Rebbe's Riddles" column in the Kollel's weekly newsletter.

Rabbi Yosef Sokol

Rabbi and Mrs. Sokol have been a part of the Kollel family since 2010. Rabbi Sokol is a talented maggid shiur and has attracted many people to his very popular Daf yomi shiur and other classes he gives throughout South Florida. His approachable and down-to-earth personality cause people to gravitate to learn from him. He is originally from Lakewood, NJ and studied in the Mir Yeshiva of Yerushalayim.

Rabbi Yossi Berger

Rabbi and Mrs. Yossi Berger joined the  Kollel in 2011. Rabbi Berger is originally from Monsey and learned in New Haven, CT and in Yeshivas Mercaz HaTorah in Eretz Yisroel.  He has recently received Semicha (Rabbinic ordination). He is currently the seventh grade Rebbi in Rohr Middle School at Yeshivas Toras Chaim Toras Emes

Rabbi Mayer Greenbaum

Rabbi and Mrs. Greenbaum, after spending a number of years in Lakewood NJ, joined the Kollel in the summer of 2014. Rabbi Greenbaum is originally from Detroit, and learned in Scranton, PA and at Rav Sholom Shechter in Eretz Yisrael. His intensity in the beis medrash can be witnessed by anyone learning with the kollel. This energy is contagious and allows him to share his passion for Torah to all who come in contact with him. R' Mayer currently serves as the 8th grade rebbi in Mechina of South Florida.

Rabbi Mayer Porter

Rabbi Aryeh Bensinger

Rabbi Tzvi Fladen

Rabbi Malkiel Steinman

Rabbi Dovi Jacobson

Rabbi Aryeh Gittlin

Rabbi Dovid Waxman

Rabbi Moshe Dovid Price

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785