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Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei

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001- Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei - Introduction to Shemona Esrei

Rabbi Blejer | -

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002-Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei

Rabbi Blejer | -

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003 -Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei

Rabbi Blejer | -

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004-Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei

Rabbi Blejer | -

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005-Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei

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006-Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei - Hashiveinu

Rabbi Blejer | -

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007-Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei - Selach Lanu

Rabbi Blejer | -

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008-Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei

Rabbi Blejer | -

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009-Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei

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010-Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei

Rabbi Blejer | -

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011-Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei

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012-Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei

Rabbi Blejer | -

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013 Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei #13 - V'lamanshinim

Rabbi Blejer | -

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014-Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei

Rabbi Blejer | -

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015 Biur tefillah Shemona Esrei -V'lo neivosh

Rabbi Blejer | -

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016 Biur Tefilllah Shemoma Esrei

Rabbi Blejer | -

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017 Biur Tefillah shemona esrei

Rabbi Blejer | -

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018 Biur Tefillah shemona esrei - Shema Koleinu

Rabbi Blejer | -

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019 Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei - Retzei

| 02/18/2020

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020 Biur Tefillah Shemona Esrei - Modim

| 02/24/2020

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Mon, December 2 2024 1 Kislev 5785