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Mishmar Hilchos Shabbos

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Bishul #3 - Ein Bishul Achar Bishul

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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Can a child be my shabbos goy

Rabbi Dovie Jacobson | -

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can a child be my shabbos goy

Rabbi Dovie Jacobson | -

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Carrying your clothes (and weapons) on Shabbos

Rabbi Price | -

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Cooking Baked Goods

Rabbi Tzvi Fladen | -

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Cooking Without Fire

Rabbi Zvi Englander | -

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Dyeing on Shabbos

Rabbi Malkiel Steiman | -

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Eating Cookies and Cakes with letters - Kislev 5779

Rav Yigal Rabi | -

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Folding your talis

Rabbi Moshe Dovid Price | -

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Freezing and defrosting ice on shabbos

Rabbi Dovie Jacobson | -

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Hachana-preparing for after Shabbos-kislev 5779

Rabbi Zvi Englander | -

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Hafrashas Challah

Rabbi Dovie Jacobson | -

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Halachos of Kiddush and Grape Juice

Rav Nachum Eisenstein | -

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Hands 0ff- hilchos miuktza

R' Moshe dovid Price | -

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Hatmana - Crockpots

Rabbi Yossi Berger | -

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Hatmana - Crockpots

Rabbi Mayer Porter | -

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Introduction to Muktza

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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Kiddush Levana-cheshvan 5779

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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Lists and Menus - Kislev 5779

Rabbi Mayer Porter | -

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Rabbi Mayer Porter | -

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Muktza # 2 - Kli SheMlachto Lissur

Rabbi Dovie Jacobson | -

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Muktza #3 - Phones and other expensive muktza

Rabbi Yossi Berger | -

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Muktza #5 - Can Muktza

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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Muktza #6 - Bosis the foundation for mukzta

Rabbi Dovie Jacobson | -

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Mukzta Machmas Chisaron Kis - R' Avrohom Azancot

R' Avrohom Azancot | -

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Permitted speech on shabbos

R' Mayer Porter | -

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Seudas Shabbos

Rabbi Blejer | -

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Shabbos clothes

Rabbi Malkiel Steiman | -

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Shabbos Elevators

Rabbi Tzvi Ullman | -

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Shehiya # 1

Rabbi Mayer Porter | -

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Shehiya #2 - Ovens , Hotplates & Warmers

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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The Chaf Daled Seforim and the chiyuv to learn them

R' Shimon Krazner | -

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The mitzva of Hadlokas neiros

Rav Dovid Sharabi, | -

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The Mitzvah to remember Shabbos

Rabbi Tzvi Mitnik | -

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Using a Coffee Maker on Shabbos

Rabbi Blejer | 08/13/2021

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When Thinking is like speaking - R' Asher schnaidman 5782

R' Asher Schnaidman | 10/29/2021

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Why do we cover the Challos

R' Noach Peled | -

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Why do we have 2 Challos

Rabbi Tzvi Ullman | -

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Thu, November 7 2024 6 Cheshvan 5785