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Yomim Tovim | Elul & Yomim Noraim

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A deeper look at Tekiyas Shofar

Rabbi Yehuda Hoberman | 09/08/2023

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Avodah of Elul - Mishmar 5775

Rabbi Aharon Dovid Singer | -

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Closing the Curtain on the Year That Was - Discovering the Kedushah in our Daily Lives Part 1- 5772

Rabbi Yechiel Spero | -

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Closing the Curtain on the Year That Was - Discovering the Kedushah in our Daily Lives Part 2- 5772

Rabbi Yechiel Spero | -

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Do Teshuvah Now To Avoid the Rush - Elul 5774

Rabbi Avrohom Bukspan | -

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Eis Ratzon of Elul - Mishmar 5772

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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Elul Inspiration - Elul 5773

Rabbi Dovid Sharfman | -

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Elul Yarchei Kalla - The Sound of Shevarim

Rabbi Avrohom Reit | -

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Elul Yarchei Kallah 5778 - Dikduk Hamtizvot

Rabbi Ari Roffe | -

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Elul Yarchei Kallah 5778 - Recreating the world through Teshuva

Rabbi Moshe Matz | -

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Elul Yarchei Kallah 5778 - Seizing the Moment, Preparing for the Yom Hadin,

Rabbi Malkiel Steiman | -

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Elul Yarchei Kallah 5778 - Stopping in the Middle of the Mitzva of Shofar,

Rabbi Zvi Ullman | -

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Elul Yarchei Kallah 5778 - The length of Shevarim

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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Elul Yarchei Kallah 5778 - The Takana of Rebbi Avahu

Rabbi Aharon Dovid Singer | -

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Elul Yarchei Kallah 5778 - When do we fullfill the Mitzva of Shofar,

Rabbi Asher Hachuel | -

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Elul- Opportunity is Knocking - Elul 5774

Rabbi Hillel Dudovitz | -

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Elul: A New Beginning - Mishmar 5774

Rabbi Hillel Dudovitz | -

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Halachos of Rosh Hashanah (Tekias Shofar) - 5774

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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Halachos of Yom Kippur (Fasting) - 5774

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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Hamelech - Mishmar 5772

Rabbi Hillel Dudovitz | -

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Importance of Torah - Mishmar 5774

Rabbi Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro | -

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Kinnus Teshuvah - 5769

Rabbi Yaacov Gross, Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro | -

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Rabbi Gedalya Glatt | -

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Preparing for R''H - Elul 5778

Rabbi Binyomin Luban | -

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Preparing for Rosh Hashanah - Mishmar Elul 5775

Rabbi Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro | -

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Preparing for Yom Kippur - Elul 5775

Rabbi Dovid Sharfman | -

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Rising to the Challenge - The Avodah of Teshuva Shiur for Women Tishrei 5779

Rabbi Eli Reisel | -

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Tefillah and Teshuva - Mishmar 5772

Rabbi Yaacov Gross | -

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The Power of Vidui - Aseres Y'mei T'shuva 5776

Rabbi Hillel Dudovitz | -

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The Real Segulos - Elul 5778

Rav Moshe Gruenstein | -

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The Tefillos of Yomim Noraim #1 - Introduction, Crowning the King - Elul 5778

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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The Tefillos of Yomim Noraim #2 - Malchios, Zichronos and Shofaros - 5778

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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The Teshuvah of Elul - Elul 5774

Rabbi Nechemia Feigenbaum | -

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Torah during Elul - Mishmar Elul 5775

Rabbi Yaakov Kier | -

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Understanding the Tefillah of Rosh Hashanah - Mishmar 5772

Rabbi Dovid Sharfman | -

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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784