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Mishmar Parsha

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Amalek - Parashas Yisro 5777

Rabbi Shimon Krasner | -

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Bn'ei Gad u'Bnei Reuven - Mishmar Parshas Matos Masei

Rabbi Naftoli Lefkowitz | -

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Bnei Yisreol vs Bnei Yishmael - Mishmar Parshas Chayei Sarah 5776

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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Breaking of the Luchos - Mishmar Parshas Ki Sisa 5774

Rabbi Yaakov Homnik | -

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Bris on Yom Kippur -5783.m4a

Rabbi Ezreil Wilhelm | -

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Growing up , the halachos of zoreah

R ' Malkiel steiman | -

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Ha'aros on Sefer Vayikra - Mishmar 5775

Rabbi Noach Peled | -

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Hakaros Hatov - Mishmar Parshas Bo

Rabbi Avrohom Buksbaum | -

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Hallel on the Yam Suf - Mishmar Parshas Beshalach 5772

Rabbi Moshe Englander | -

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Introduction to the Galus and Geula from Mitzrayim - Mishmar Parshas Shemos 5772

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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Kavod HaBrios

Rabbi Avrohom Bukspan | -

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Kochi V'Otzem Yadi - Mishmar Parshas Vayera 5776

Rabbi Avrohom Bukspan | -

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Lessons from the world around us - Mishmar Parshas Balak 5774

Rabbi Moshe Matz | -

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Lessons of Galus Mitzrayim - Mishmar Parshas Vayechi 5772

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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Matan Torah - Mishmar Parshas Yisro

Rabbi Shraga Thav | -

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Mikvaos - Mishmar Parshas Chukas 5773

Rabbi Pinchos Webbermans | -

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Mishmar Parshas Shemos 5774

Rabbi Dovid Lehrfield | -

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Mishmar Parshas Titzaveh

Rabbi Ahron Dovid Singer | -

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Mishmar Parshas Titzaveh

Rabbi Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro | -

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Mishmar Parshas Yisro

Rabbi Zev Leff | -

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R' Yisroel Meir Eisenberger - vayishlach 5782

R' Yisroel Meir Eisenberger | 11/19/2021

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Rabbi Yehuda Subar - A new perspective on the akeida - 5782

R' Yehuda Subar | 10/22/2021

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Rabbi Thav | -

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Stand Up & Be Counted - Mishmar Parshas Ki SiSa 5773

Rabbi Aharon Dovid Singer | -

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The Bigdei Kehuna and Achrayus

R' Ahron Lopiansky | -

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The Conflict Between Yosef and the Brothers -Mishmar Parshas Vayigash 5774

Rabbi Nechemia Feigenbaum | -

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The Emes of Hashem - Mishmar Parshas Shlach 5775

Rabbi Yaakov Homnik | -

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The fifth cup of eliyahu

R' Moshe dovid Price | 01/20/2023

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The Harder Yetzer Harah - Mishmar Parshas Shelach 5774

Rabbi Bukspan | -

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The Role of the Kohen Gadol- Mishmar Parshas Titzaveh 5774

Rabbi Avrohom Bukspan | -

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The Sin of the Meraglim - Mishmar Parshas Shelach 5773

Rabbi Dovid Paige | -

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The Unknown and Unsung Heroes of the Torah World - Mishmar Parshas Vaeira 5776

HaRav Moshe Homnick | -

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To Roast or Be Roasted - Mishar Parshas Vayeishev 5776

Rabbi Yehoshua Sova | -

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Vayeira Combining Halacha and agada- R Homnik 5783.m4a

Rabbi Homnick | -

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Who is Yocheved's Mother

R' Yaakov Homnik | 12/24/2021

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שמו''ת - שנים מקרא ואחד תרגום

Rabbi Mayer Porter | -

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Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785