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005_Bracha on granola

Rabbi Price | 03/13/2020

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A Kohen and Your Father: Who Comes First? - Mishmar Parshas Vayishlach 5776

Rabbi Yigal Rabi | -

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Amira L'akum

Chacham Dovid Yosef Shlit"a | 12/17/2021

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Avdus in the Torah

Rabbi Dovid Scheon | -

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Avoda Zara Issues Nowadays - Mishmar Parshas Nasso - 5775

Rabbi Avi Wakszul | -

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Basics of Shechita - Mishmar 5774

Rabbi Pinchas Weberman | -

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Bein Hashmashos

R' Zvi Englander | -

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Bishul Akum - Mishmar Parshas Bo 5776

Rabbi Menachem Genack | -

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Chatziza derabanan or deoraysa- 5783.m4a

R Ephraim Friedman | -

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Cherem D'Rabeinu Gershom -Mishmar 5774

Rabbi Zvi Englander | -

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Cloning and Stem Cell Research - Mishmar Parshas Teruma 5776

Rabbi Dovid Wechsler | -

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Corona Virus Porch Minyonim

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | 04/24/2020

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DNA in Halacha - Mishmar Parshas Tazria Metzora - 5775

Rabbi Dovid Wechsler | -

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Rabbi Moshe Dovid Price | 09/20/0001

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Eating Cookies and Cakes With Letters

Rav Yigal Rabi | -

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Eating Cookies and Cakes with Letters

Rav Yigal Rabi | -

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Electricity on Shabbos - Mishmar Parshas Toldos 5776

Harav Nachum Eisenstein | -

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Finding a shidduch for a kohen Iyar 5782.m4a

R Ephraim Fridmann | -

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Giving gifts for shabbos

Rabbi Tzvi Ullman | -

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Going to the Doctor in Halacha - Mishmar 5778

R Shimon Krasner | -

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Halachos of Amen and Leining in Corona - Iyar 5780

R Dovie Jacobson | 05/01/2020

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Hero or Fool -Endagering oneself to save others - Mishmar 5774

Rabbi Yehoshua Sova | -

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Introduction to Muktza

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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It's not mine can I make a bracha anyway, making a bracha on aborrowed talis -

R' Dovid wachsman kislev 5780 | 02/20/0001

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Kashrus Questions - Mishmar 5774

Rabbi Senter | -

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Kedushas Eretz Yisrael

Rabbi Shimon Krasner | 06/20/0002

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Kibud Av V'em - Mishmar Mishpatim 5775

Rabbi Shimon Krasner | -

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kibud av veim

Rabbi Soraka | -

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List and Menus

Rabbi Mayer Porter | -

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Machines that make noise on shabbos

Rabbi Dovie Jacobson | -

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Medical Ethics in Halacha - Mishmar 5774

Rabbi Dovid Wechsler | -

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Mikvaos - Mishmar Chukas - 5773

Rabbi Pinchas Weberman | -

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Mishmar 5775

Rabbi Avrohom Bukspan | -

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Mishmar Parshas Vayakhel Pikudei 5775 - Are there Really Bugs in my Strawberries

Rabbi David Goldstein | -

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Mitzvah of emunah - Shvat 5780

Rav Ahron Lopiansky | -

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Mitzvos of Women - Mishmar Parashas Besahalach 5775

Rabbi Moshe Englander | -

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Mukta Part 6

Rabbi Dovie Jacobson | -

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Muktza Part 2

Rabbi Jacobson | -

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Muktza Part 3 Phones and Other Expensive Items.mp3

Rabbi Yossi Berger | -

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Muktza Part 5

Rabbi Blejer | -

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Passing over a Mitzvah

Rabbi Yossi Berger | -

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Practical Bitachon In Our Everyday Lives

Rabbi Brog | -

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Real estate transactions between jews and gentiles

Rabbi Yaakov Kier | 11/18/2022

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Shatnez - Mishmar Parshas Kedoshim 5776

Rabbi Yitzchak Selmar | -

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Shmitta and Hefker (Hebrew) - Mishmar Lech Lecha 5775

Rav Eliezer Markowitz | -

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Taharas Hamishpacha - Introduction Shiur

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer/Rabbi Aharon Dovid Singer | -

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The Ethiopian Controversy - Mishmar Parshas Chukas - 5775

Rabbi Yossi Berger | -

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The Issur of Bishul Akum

R' Nissan Kaplan | -

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The Kashrus of Beer - Mishmar 5774

Rabbi Meir Shafran | -

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The Mechitza in Shul - Mishmar Vayigash 5775

Rabbi Tzvi Englander | -

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The mitzvos of a minor

Rabbi Yigal Rabi | -

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The Rabbi's Son - Mishmar Parshas Tetzaveh 5776

Rabbi Mayer Greenbaum | -

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The Unique Nature of Natures Brachos - Mishar Parshas Lech L'cha 5776

Rabbi Moshe Dovid Price | -

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To kill or die - Teves 5782

R' Shmuel Soroka | -

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Using Crock Pots on Shabbos - Mishmar 5774

Rabbi Nachum Eisenstien | -

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Using Shem Hameforash Teves 5780

Rabbi Privsldky | -

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What you need to know about writing a pruzbul-5782

Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Blejer | -

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When Science and Torah Diverge - Mishmar Chayei Sarah 5775

Rabbi Moshe Dovid Price | -

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Women of the wall

Rabbi Shmuel Soroka | -

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Writing a pruzbul before Shemitta

Rabbi Friedman | 08/20/2021

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Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784